Nov 24, 2022 | Video Gaming Addiction
As a family coach, I would say that about 90% of my Disordered (Addicted) Gamers I work with also have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The primary characteristics of someone with ADHD are inattention, impulsivity, and for some, hyperactivity. Often...
Oct 31, 2022 | Video Gaming Addiction
When a child is addicted to video games, they can become a different person – one a parent no longer recognizes. They may stop grooming, eat poorly, often while alone in their room, spend their nights in front of their screen, and sleep all day. They may become...
Sep 28, 2022 | Video Gaming Addiction
I started playing video games at age seven. Since then, I have accumulated over 20,000 hours of gaming for over 20 years. My Gaming journey has started due to my love of Pokémon. The Pokémon games fulfilled the needs of my competitive nature. At age ten, I fell in...
Aug 30, 2022 | Video Gaming Addiction
Do you struggle to get your gamer child to stop playing video games long enough to come to the table to have meals with you? Does your gamer eat as fast as possible with you, only to immediately dash back to their video game and online friends? Does your gamer insist...
Jul 28, 2022 | Video Gaming Addiction
Instead of a lengthy blog, this month, on my thoughts on gaming addiction, I have decided to provide a recent interview my son Jake, gave for a talk for “Mondays on The Couch”. This is a discussion format within the Bosch Alumni Network which takes place...