In the Media

Elaine has shared the story of her son’s video addiction with various media outlets including television, radio, print, on line and podcasts.

Oct 3/24
Fortnite adds new parental controls to help keep your kids’ gaming in check
Video game maker Epic Games is introducing two new parental controls for its popular games Fortnite and Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) to help parents and guardians monitor how much time their children spend gaming.
Oct 3/24
Present / Short Film Documentary / WeSee Education + Audacity Partners
This is the powerful story of Elaine Uskoski, Author, Speaker & Parent Coach, Expert on Video Gaming & Screen Addiction. It’s the story of a mother’s fight to save her son from video game addiction. Learn more about Elaine on her website and on Game Quitters. Note: This documentary was shared to an audience in London, UK on Sept 27/24 at the WeSee Education Conference 2024, Unlocking Adolescence – What Every Parent Needs to Know. Video at Vimeo

Feb 12/24
Breaking From Technology: How a 3-Week Screen Fast Can Improve Brain Health
Overusing screens can impact your hormones and brain chemistry, but taking a break can help you reset.

July 13/23
They lost their kids to Fortnite
A group of Canadian parents say their kids are so addicted to the video game Fortnite that they’ve stopped eating, sleeping and showering. Now these parents want to hold its tech-giant creator accountable.

Feb 8/22
Youth Internet Addiction: Insufficient Support Services in Ontario
Problematic use of the Internet, cyberaddiction, addiction to technology: there are many expressions to designate the excessive and uncontrolled use of screens, an illness that affects more and more young people.
On the Brink: What a Family Learned About the Signs, Symptoms and Coping Strategies for Video Gaming Addiction
Where Parents Talk- with Lianne Castelino
Lianne Castelino of Where Parents Talk speaks to Elaine Uskoski, holistic health practitioner, speaker, educator, author and mom of two about her family’s journey with video gaming addiction — signs, symptoms, therapies and coping strategies, plus what motivated her to write two books on the subject for parents, caregivers and educators.
Ways to identify if someone has a “gaming disorder”
Global News
Canadians have been gaming significantly more during the pandemic, to keep themselves occupied according to experts. This has more adults and kids developing video gaming addictions. Global’s Sharmeen Somani reports.
Six ways to tell if your child is addicted to video games
Paul Haber Producer, W5
Published Friday, February 26, 2021 9:00AM EST
W5 speaks to Jake Uskoski about his addition to video games that threatened to take his life.
Building an attitude of gratitude in children
National Geographic
By: Heather Greenwood Davis, November 5, 2020
Here’s why grateful kids deal better with challenges—including this entire year

When All-Night Gaming Results in Dropping Out of College
Wall Street Journal
By: Julie Jargon, Family and Tech, Aug. 27, 2019
For one young man, videogames helped him deal with anxiety but nearly derailed his college career; how he and his mom fought back.
Gaming disorder now a disease according to WHO
CBC News: The National
Video Game Addiction: A Mother’s Story of a Son Hooked on Gaming and Her Fight to Save Him
Elemental Magazine
May 29/20
As a mother of two sons who had moved away to university, Elaine Uskoski and her husband were enjoying their time as empty nesters. That freedom, however, was short lived when Elaine was suddenly faced with one of the biggest crises of her life: her youngest son, Jake, was addicted to video…

The increasingly blurred lines between gambling and gaming
CAMH – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
July 4, 2019
Video games seem to have a way of transcending culture, language, and geography – and many people use them as a way to connect with others, especially online. But there’s a darker side to consider, one that Elaine Uskoski knows well.

When video games take over
Video game addiction: Former Caledon resident talks parenting, prevention
Caledon Enterprise
By Matthey Strader, June 10, 2019
Elaine Uskoski was a Caledon resident for 30 years, where she raised her two adult sons. The author and health practitioner battled video game addiction with one of her sons, and now, has written about the experience, and shares it with others to build awareness and prevention.
The New Family Podcast
How This Young Man Recovered from Video Game Addiction
The New Family Podcast : Episode 236
Brandie Weikle – June 3, 2019
Elaine and Jake Uskoski are here to share their experience with Jake’s video game addiction. They’ve started to share their story to help other families learn to identify where enthusiasm for digital play crosses into unhealthy territory and what it takes to come out of it when video games have taken over a young person’s life. Elaine has also written about this candidly in her book, Seeing Through the Cracks.
Warning signs for gaming addiction
Context Beyond the Headlines
Dealing with your Child’s Video Gaming
Rogers TV
Jill McPherson – June 4, 2018
Host Jill McPherson talks with Elaine Uskoski, author of the book “Seeing Through the Cracks.” The book is a true story about Elaine’s son going through video game addiction for many years.