Jun 18, 2021 | Video Gaming Addiction
I am often asked, by parents, how my son stopped his video gaming addiction and has remained gaming sober for four years. This is not an easy question to answer, because I know these parents are looking for the easy-to-access secret to breaking gaming addiction....
Mar 30, 2021 | Video Gaming Addiction
Have you ever sat and watched your child play video games for an overly extended period of time? Some parents describe their child’s state like that of a Zombie. The child is fully immersed in the virtual world, completely unaware of their surroundings or of the...
Jan 13, 2021 | Video Gaming Addiction
As I get closer to publishing my second book, Cyber Sober; A Caregiver’s Guide to Video Gaming Addiction, I thought I’d share my Preface. Although this book is far more extensive than my first book, and contains research, interviews with my...
Dec 17, 2020 | Video Gaming Addiction
It’s important to share this hopeful and inspiring message about a powerful realization that followed a successful detox from video gaming. Sometimes it is in leaving behind something we believe is vital, for a period of time, that we recognize just how...
Feb 24, 2020 | Video Gaming Addiction
I recently spent a week in the Caribbean at a resort. I had planned, before leaving on this trip, that I would unplug from the internet and be present in every moment of my vacation. I didn’t post a check in at the airport to let others know where I was going and I...