Hello my loyal followers, it seems I am now an official Blogger!! Prompted by my new web site creator and put to shame by my 23 year old son, who is already a regular writer I will now embark on my next journey of blogging.
For those who know me, an introduction probably isn’t necessary, but there will be those who are new to my world of holistic health and Iridology, and so I will first share my story, as well as my approach to health.
As a young adult I had a fascination for herbal remedies and for finding a way to eat my way to feeling better following a car accident that affected my central nervous system, affecting my digestion, and resulting in me feeling sluggish and toxic. I dabbled, to say the least, and using a yeast cleanse and drinking gallons of Nettle tea, I managed to lose the twenty pounds I had gained, and felt a renewed sense of energy and vitality. Success!
In my early thirties I began to have a family, and with the birth of my second son another health challenge arose, but this time it was my child who was unwell. Doctors were unable to find a cause for his chronic diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, and anemia despite the many appointments, specialists and invasive testing. By his first year my son had fallen below the 25 percentile of his growth curve and plateaued there for six months. He wasn’t thriving, and I was desperate for an answer. Many frustrating months followed, and then within a two week period it was suggested, by three different people, that I seek the help of a local Iridologist. I had never heard of this profession, but I had a clear goal, and that was to get my son feeling well and growing, and I was willing to give it a try.
Needless to say, seeing the iridologist was a life saver for my little boy, and within weeks I saw results. He started digesting his food and the diarrhea and vomiting stopped, his skin cleared, and his iron level rose. He had rosy cheeks, he was full of energy, and he was gaining weight! I never looked back. What did she do? She assessed the nutritional imbalances in his body, seen with a small hand held magnifier and looking at his irises. And then she suggested cutting out several foods and starting with a very base diet of brown rice and vegetables, and adding an age old remedy called Slippery Elm powder to a little apple sauce, along with a Probiotic powder. So simple and so effective, and very quickly this put out the fire in his inflammatory digestive system and he eventually caught back up on his growth chart. Success, again!!
This didn’t teach me not to trust the medical system, this didn’t teach me to never seek the help of a doctor again, but it did teach me that we can reach beyond the traditional medical system and look for guidance and support from those who look at illness from a more natural approach, when we’re not getting answers. The medical profession is vital and it also has its limits. Natural health practitioners have their limitations as well. But together, we can be a great force for health. And that’s the bottom line; helping people to feel well again.
That message really sang to me, so in my late thirties I went back to school and I became an iridologist, and I have been practicing this science now for 14 years, enjoying every moment, fascinated by every set of irises I assess, inspired by the changes I see taking place with every client who starts feeling healthier, and hungry to see and learn more. This is the work I was meant to be doing; this is where my passion lies, this still calls to me on a daily basis.
Phew, that wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. I got out my story in writing! But I have come to the end of my first blog and I don’t want to bore you with long winded text. Next time I’ll share what I have learned that has brought me to my personal approach to providing the tools needed for achieving better health.
More next time…….please stay tuned. And thank you for your support and for taking the time to read my first blog!