We are coming near the end of 2023, a very busy year for me in terms of speaking engagements and business travel. And an active year spent getting to know many families, mental health practitioners, and even those in the esports industry.

In 2024 I am committed to a year of continuing to create education and awareness with video gaming and screen addictions, as well as supporting my existing and new-to-come families who are struggling.

For those I have coached and am still coaching, thank you for your commitment and hard work in moving your child from this self-destructive mode of addiction towards a life of more meaning.

For some families, we weren’t always successful, however we are planting seeds, with the hope for an eventual good outcome.

Your dedication and love for your children is remarkable, and I feel privileged to know each and every one of you.

To those in the mental health field, thank you for your support, your advice, and referrals.

Thank you to all who have read my book and provided feedback on how helpful it is.

For 2024, I leave you with this beautiful quote by author, Shon Mehta.

“No brooding over old worries, let’s start a new series. Forget about all the negativities, think of new possibilities. Here to conquering a new frontier, that’s all I wish in the upcoming new year.”

A heartfelt thank you and well wishes to everyone.